Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Work

I graduated from SUNY New Paltz in December of 2006 with a degree in Art Education. Since graduating, I have taught grades K-5 in Rockland County. I love teaching the younger grades because they have so much enthusiasm and you can watch their growth over time.

The link above has some pictures of past work that I have done. The black and white photograph was part of a series of images that focused on shape and light and the pattern it made on various objects. My inspiration for the charcoal drawing was a seashell. The piece is roughly four feet tall and I focused on overlapping different layers, some are translucent to give more depth to the work. The hollow ceramic spheres were made in a beginning ceramics class I took. Two halves were seamed together and I painted designs that would accentuate it's shape. I etched free flowing lines that connect with eachother to create the printmaking piece. The collage portrait was done using newspaper, bristol pad, and magazine. I took a colored photograph and translated it into black and white.

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