Friday, July 23, 2010


I think the margins article brought up an interesting topic of conversation on whether or not parameters help or hinder the artist. I believe that giving someone guidelines can be a useful tool and a starting point to think about. I find a lot of the project ideas given to us are open for interpretation, allowing us the freedom to investigate our ideas. This notion applies to how we teach. There is a fine line of telling our students what to do and giving them freedom.

In class we discussed if labeling something "ceramic sculpture" would change your viewpoint. I think there is certainly a typecast when it comes to ceramics. The first thought that would pop into my mind is probably a vase or a cup even though there are multiple approaches to this medium. The materials can be used in different ways (utility and experience, installation, glazed or unfired, etc)

As art is constantly changing, I think Bourriard's concept of altermodernism is something that is relevant to us today. In an age of globalisation, this art refers to an experience of mobility, travel, and creating multiple formats for expression and communication. I think the book "All My Life for Sale" by John Freyer was an interesting tie in to the Alter Modern article. I remember it being in the news years ago. It is not so much about the things he owns but the nostalgia and tracing connections through time and space which would be an example of heterochronia.

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